
Your Personal Sysadmin

Synchronizing a list of checked and unchecked items

Example showing a list of available premium_licenses, and have the ones checkmarked that are chosen, as well as update the chosen set with newly checked and unchecked items.

class Client::SiteController < Client::ApplicationController
after_action :notify_admin
def update
	@site = Site.find params[:id]


def update_site_premium_licenses
	ids_before = @site.bulk_premium_license_ids
	@site.bulk_premium_license_ids = site_params[:bulk_premium_license_ids].select { |x| x.to_i > 0 }
	ids_after = @site.bulk_premium_license_ids
	@licenses_added = ids_after - ids_before
	@licenses_removed = ids_before - ids_after

def notify_admin
	AdminNotification.with(remove: @licenses_removed, add: @licenses_added, site: @site).deliver(email_address)

def site_params
	params.require(:site).permit(bulk_premium_license_ids: [])

The view is a collection of check-boxes and a submit button. CSS classes reference Bulma.

<%= form_with model: [:client, site] do |form| %>
  <div class="field has-check">
    <div class="field">
      <p><%= t("subscriptionsDir.licenses.explainer") %></p>
    <div class="field">
      <div class="control">
        <%= collection_check_boxes(:site, :bulk_premium_license_ids, BulkPremiumLicense.all, :id, :title) do |b| %>
          <%= b.label(class: "b-checkbox checkbox", for: nil) do %>
          <%=   b.check_box(checked: site.bulk_premium_license_ids.include?(b.object.id)) %>
          <%=   tag.span class: "check is-primary" %>
          <%=   tag.span b.object.title, class: "control-label" %>
          <%  end %>
          <%= tag.br %>
        <% end %>
    <div class="field">
      <div class="control">
        <%= form.submit t("subscriptionsDir.licenses.submit"), class: "button is-primary" %>
<% end %>

Notifications are being sent via noticed gem.

Hey! I'll happily receive your comments via email

Andreas Wagner
Freelance System Administrator from Tallinn, Estonia.